Friday, March 4, 2016

Cole's 7th Birthday

November 7th, 2015

October was a busy month, so we had to celebrate Cole's birthday in November even though he turned 7 on October 15th.   Cole was very sure that he wanted a soccer party and he wanted to invite his entire soccer team.   I reserved the soccer court in the club where we live as well as the social room so that we didn't have 18 little boys running through our house.  

I was thinking that a soccer party would be easy because all the boys would play soccer, we would eat cake, hit a piñata and parents would come and pick up their kids.  Well, with that many 6 and 7 year old boys, it was difficult to monitor the soccer game.  Some boys were quite rough and so there were tears and complaining.  Neither Bob nor I could referee the game properly.  After about an hour of semi-chaos we herded the boys into the social room for snacks and cake, which only kept them busy for a few minutes.  Then the boys grabbed soccer balls (Cole received about 7 as birthday presents) and started kicking the balls all over the club.  So it was a great party, a lot more stressful than I imagined, but look how cool the birthday cakes were!

Barça cake and another rainbow cake that Nathan and Ciara decorated

Cole's team had a game in the morning so many of the boys are wearing the team uniform
I am pretty sure we will never do this again, but Cole was happy

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